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From Inner Critic to your own Best Friend

Join my FREE 5 day video mini-series and learn how to quieten your inner critic, + finally become friends with yourself! 

Unlock the tried + tested techniques I teach to my clients to help you shift your inner voice from criticism to kindness

You'll get 5 videos (maximum 6mins) delivered straight to your inbox every day 

Each video contains one small step to add to the previous day. It's simple, easy & effective - just follow the steps!

Plus bonus explanations to explain what's going on in your brain, body & nervous system along the way.

When you shift from inner critic to your own best friend, you'll increase your self-esteem, reduce stress & anxiety, increase your resilience + motivation, + improve your physical health & life satisfaction! Hooray!

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Let's Get Started!

Hi, my name is Claire, and I used to be HORRIBLE to myself!

Really! I spent fifteen years of my life bullying, criticising and shaming myself...why? Because I thought it would make me get better! 

I thought my inner-criticism would whip me into shape, help me lose weight, achieve my goals + be successful...


Spoiler: it did not work! 


Instead, I sustained 15 years of an eating disorder, anxiety and low self-esteem. My health was poor, I couldn't hold down a job or relationship...& I was still being a b*tch to myself. 


Fast forward to now & my inner-voice is unrecognisable, and so is my life: I have fully recovered from the eating disorder, I am happy in my body, I have a successful + rewarding career helping people. & I am engaged to the love of my life! I even feel confident to plaster great big photos of myself grinning all over the what changed..? 


Through tonnes of therapy, I unravelled years of un-kindness and rebuilt my inner world to be a place of kindness and encouragement. To put it simply: I made friends with myself! 


Now it is your turn to discover the most rewarding friendship you'll ever make...IT'S YOU!

& I'm going to show you how to do this in just five days, by following my tried and tested five step technique. 


In my work as a mindfulness + somatics practitioner, I find so many people struggle with their inner-critic, so please hear me out - it doesn't have to be like this any more, you deserve your own kindness, & you (like I did!) can learn how to be your own best friend....

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The power to change starts within you. It's time to stop being your own worst critic & become your biggest cheerleader!

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